Thursday, March 20, 2008

long time no blog

Hey Its been a long time since my last blog, but so it goes! I have been busy taking car of the household chores and catching up on my mountain of laundry that never seemed to go away. so here i am nothing really to say other than. I made a dentist appointment to day! I am not looking forward to this! but it needs to be done. the Last time i went to the dentist I had my wisdom teeth pulled... all four!!! Not fun and that was at least 5 years ago so I think it time for a check up! I hate the dentist! I hate that little sharp thing they use to pick at your teeth, I don't like the sound it makes! to me it like the fingernail chalkboard thing! give me the shivers! but i have to have it done I know ! I probably have about 50 cavities! but what can I say ! I will write more later and let you know how it turns out! ...........................................I know nothing exciting to say but I'm a stay a t home mom what do you expect!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Well its been very busy here the last couple of days so I need to catch up on my blogging. Nothing two exciting happened, just busy with normal activities. I have been thinking alot about time and time management. I think this is an area that I struggle in. I get pre-occupied with other things and there go my priorities right out the window! I am a stay at home mom but I don't seem to be able to accomplish much. My house is not always clean, my laundry is not always done, and the dusting is done only when it gets so bad that the cob webs are hanging from the ceiling! Why can't I seem to get the normal stuff done around the house...............Answer, because I lack time management skills. I get checking my e-mails which leads to surfing the web which leads to playing a computer game, then I say oh I need to clean the bathroom but then I hear a little voice say mommy I need some more apple juice then i go to the kitchen to get him juice and realize that I am hungry so i make my self a snack, then I sit down and flip the channels on tv. then I realize oops the bathroom! so i go back up stairs to clean the bathroom and then I start in with the sink and then clean the toilet but then I realize that i need to put some laundry in so I go back down stairs to put a load of wash in then I hear a voice say mommy can you play with me so sit on the floor and play with my son. we have all kinds of fun but then I realize that I never finished the bathroom! by this time the day is done and I have not got anything done! So i need some help!!!! any suggestions for me?????? I need some kind of easy time management thing that I can do. please help!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hero's and blessings

This song is great! Really listen to the words. I think sometimes us stay at home moms feel like we are invisible or that we never get noticed. But If you really thing about it we are our children's hero's! He take care off them,we feed them, bath them, we teach them things like how to be polite and how to have good manners at the table. We teach them how to blow their nose when they have the sniffles(hopefully on a tissue instead of their sleeve) We are not faster than a speeding bullet,like superman. We do not have super power webs like spider man(although it would be nice sometime if we did so we could wrangle them up when they are boucneing off the walls).But we do our best to make sure that by the time they are ready to move out and start their own family, one day they will come back to us and say "Thanks mom and dad for all you did for me growing up. You have instilled in me great morals to live by ,and you have taught me how to function in the hard world so Thanks!" I think that we should do our best to be our children's hero's.

Here is my Blessing for the day yesterday I was going about my normal morning routine,you know the drill hitting the snooze button 10 times for that little extra sleep. then stumbling to the bathroom just in time for a quick shower and to brush my teeth. then downstairs to get my husbands lunch ready for the day, then I hear little foot steps coming down the stairs. I turn around and their was my little sleepy-head standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He let out a big"MOMMY!" and ran over and gave me a hug and said"Mommy I'm glad you are here with me today!" I really had to laugh since I am home with him everyday! But it was his way of saying he loved me and appreciated the fact that I do stay home with him(at least I would like to think that is what he meant!:)) But what a blessing our children are to us! they grow up so fast!!!! I pray everyday that I would enjoy being with my children even when I am frustrated at them or they push my buttons!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday's blessings!

Yesterday was a good day, but the blessings were many. I am very blessed that God has given me another day! I am blessed that I am breathing! I am blessed with a great husband and a wonderful son! We are blessed with food for our bodies but one blessing that does not happen very often for us was that last night we sat at the dinner table as a family and ate together. the reason this does not happen very often is that my husband works long hours and isn't always home at Dinner time so alot of times its just me and my son so we eat in the living room! I am very thankful for that blessing! We had a great conversation with my son! He is 3 so he is very imaginative! It was so nice to be together! The next great blessing came in the evening when My son was getting ready fro bed!! Our normal bedtime routine is pj on, teeth brushed( although sometimes we forget) then we pick out two books and then My son sings some songs! He does a very good rendition of veggie tales, and Jesus loves me! He loves to sing! I am so thankful for my Son He defiantly keeps me busy (and for those moms out there I am sure you can agree 3 year olds are worse than 2 year old!) but over all he is a well behaved child and that is the biggest blessing of all!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Begining of another week

Today is Monday. The start of a new week. Everything that happened last week is over and done with. I am going to try to look at this week as a new week to see what blessings are in store for me! God had already given me so many blessings but this week I am going to do something alittle different. Each day I am going to blog about the blessings that I received on that day. We should never under-estimate blessings in life. I think that we forget to be thankful for them. I hope that this week will be a blessed week.

Dear God thank you so much for the blessings that you have given me in my life. I am so grateful for your watchful care and provision for me and my family. Please bless me today and my friends and family. Far more than we could ever imagine. Amen.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

uppercase living

Last night I had an uppercase living party at my house! It was so nice! Its nothing that I have ever seen before but its expressions that you can put on just about anything! your walls, watering cans, picture frames, mirrors, and the list goes on. If you have never heard of the company check it out The phrases are great and you also can design your own expression ! Its very cool! I think I am hooked!

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Ultimate Test

I was thinking about them today! (trials) wondering why we go through them. I had to ask myself the questions....Why do we have to endure them. Well as I was doing my daily reading of the Bible I came across the answer to my question. In Genesis there was a man maned Abraham. He was a pretty decent guy, Married ,one son, he lived a pretty normal life. But one day God tested Abraham's faith. He asked Him to take his only son,whom he loved An go to Moriah and sacrifice him. can you picture this? what are you thinking God how can you ask me to sacrifice my only son?? What kind of God are you? But what is amazing to me is that he never once questioned God. Not even a little bit. He just said ok I will do this because I am choosing to serve you lord and to do as you ask me. But let's remember his son. what was his son thinking? He thought he was just going along on a nice trip with his dad to worship god with a sacrifice. he had no idea that the sacrifice was going to be him. . He had no idea what was really going to happen. So when they got to the place were the lord told them to go, Isaac his son asks we have the wood and the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice? (Are you picturing this with me???) Isaac must have been a little bit nervous about what was going on don't you think?) get this Abraham's response was"God himself will provide the lamb" so Isaac must have thought "oh ok. we'll just wait here for the lamb" but then his own father bound him with rope and placed him on the altar that he had built. Isaac must have thought that his father had lost his mind. But there were no complaints (at least the Bible doesn't record it) right when Abrahan pulled out his knife and was just about ready to kill his own son he heard a voice calling his name. It was the angle of the Lord. The angle said to him "do not lay a hand on your son, do not do anything to him, Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." And then BAA BAA BAA!!! over in the thorns was a lamb. A sacrificial Lamb. slain in place of Isaac. I bet Isaac let out a big sigh of relief! As I am sure Abraham did too!! But the point is that God tests us sometimes . He does not tempt us but tests us. He wants our faith to be completely in Him. He doesn't want us to try to handle things on our own, because we mess it up. He wants us to have complete and utter faith in HIM. this was the ultimate test of one man's faith. He came out on top!! He passed the test with flying colors. Can we say that ? Do we depend on God to provide a lamb for us! I hope that I can pass God's testing of me what ever he brings my way I hope I can pass with flying colors.